Data Synchronization: How Data and Marketing Work in Sync

Do you run high-converting marketing campaigns? How do you tell their effectiveness? Do you give your customers value for their money when they sign up for your marketing packages?  

You understand that your clients are interested in promising lead generation services rather than shoveling funds into dubious marketing campaigns.

Since marketing services can be costly, you owe your clients positive marketing outcomes. As a boutique marketing agency, your goal is to help your clients gain a competitive edge over their competition. But while at it, you don’t want to break the bank. Or waste your organizational resources on futile marketing endeavors.

And here is where market data synchronization comes in.

What is Data Synchronization and Why Does it Matter?

Also referred to as data syncing, data synchronization simply entails blending data from various sources into one synchronized repository.

Data integration avails data consistently in multiple servers. So, your synced data resides in various sources, offering your workforce an integrated view of it.

Marketing does not have a one-size-fits-all approach. But there is one constant — you will never go wrong with synchronizing your marketing data.

Potential benefits include:

  • Ability to save on time spent entering data.
  • No need to import or export your customers’ contacts across multiple platforms.
  • Ability to sync varied changes like unsubscribes and deletions.
  • No more duplicate data.
  • Ability to access and update information remotely.
  • Ability to keep track of business contacts without losing them.
  • Streamlined business operations and customer relationships.

Steps to Integrating Your Marketing Data

For the uninitiated, data integration can be a daunting and unrewarding undertaking. Failed marketers are quick to conclude that brand loyalty does not exist anymore. But in reality, brand loyalty is not dead! Contrary to what most investors believe, customer experience solely informs loyalty. Not product quality or price, as Walker reports.

With so many options available, driving and maintaining customer loyalty in the modern-day hyper-connected economy is difficult. To enhance your marketing campaigns’ effectiveness, you must up your data integration game!

Follow these steps to facilitate data-driven customer engagement for your marketing strategies.

Step # 1: Develop and Maintain a Customer Panorama

Imagine a scenario where call centers, merchandisers, service operations, and marketing departments can simultaneously access customer data stored in a single database. This is a perfect embodiment of data integration.

Consider having a dedicated data hub that delivers contextual information on request to deliver a delightful customer experience.

Step #2: Understand and Anticipate Customer Behavior

Now that you have a panoramic view of your customers, sit back and examine their past behavior to forecast the future.

You can also apply advanced analytics to establish how varied customer segments are bound to respond to select campaigns, content, and marketing actions.

Step #3: Manage the Next Course of Action

Having determined your data and analytic techniques, you can also automate your engaging activities with your customers. You may want to categorize your communications into outbound and inbound requests, for instance.

From the outbound perspective, choose a reliable marketing automation software. This can help you define target customer segments, select fitting communication channels, plan and execute campaigns, evaluate outcomes, and improve your future campaigns’ performance.

Conversely, on the inbound side, consider having a decision management software. Your customers and prospects can use the software’s decision workflow to contact your organization and make individual requests.

Step #4: Measure Outcomes Accurately to Inform Successive Actions

The value of measuring your marketing campaigns’ effectiveness is difficult to understate. Consider using response-attribution modeling to decipher your leads’ conversion path and establish which channel to allocate marketing credit.

Now you can develop foolproof predictive models, test/control strategies, and marketing campaigns.

Over To You

Unlike larger marketing firms, boutique marketing agencies enjoy stronger relationships, increased flexibility, and a better focus on individual business needs. Syncing your marketing data will accentuate these benefits. And it will enable you to help your clients soar and keep their businesses afloat.

Wondering how to get started with syncing your marketing data? You might find our data services helpful.

Contact us today to help you create your clients effective marketing campaigns to grow their businesses.



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